Railcargo / Intermodal

Nunner offers you a wealth of options. That means you have direct access to Europe’s largest Intermodal carriers and access to first class shortsea carriers, barge- and railway operators and the biggest truck fleets in Europe.

This is the perfect combination. We offer you a full service solution that is hard to match.


  • We purchase in huge amounts intermodal services every year, giving us a strong negotiating platform to get the best price.
  • We work closely with our providers and because of our pro-active and controlled approach, your freight receives preferential treatment.
  • We know which providers offer the better pricing on specific lanes, ensuring your freight is always moving at the best price.
  • Door-to-door means just that. We secure the total flow: the transport by rail and the dray to your customer. One-stop shopping facilitates your business.
  • You always have capacity because we have strong relationships with many intermodal providers.


  • Door-to-door means just that. We secure the total flow: the dray from your dock, the transport by rail and the dray to your customer. One-stop shopping facilitates your business.
  • You always have capacity because we have strong relationships with many intermodal providers.

Peace of mind:

Nunner has since many years the experience and knowledge. Starting with block trains to Turkey and Greece in the nineties, up to a full covering rail cargo network in Europe and Asia nowadays. We have learned the business and we understand what it takes to flawlessly move your freight.

We offer solutions for inland waterways transport (barge), rail services (container, Ro-Ro/Hupac and full wagon loads), and short-sea services with various equipment types in all areas of Europe, wherever suitable. The decision whether an intermodal logistics solution is a valid alternative to classical road transport, depends on several factors (apart from price). Some examples of factors that are considered within our proposals are:

  • Sustainability (savings in carbon-emissions due to utilization of environmentally friendly modes of transport).
  • Transit times
  • Frequency of departures/capacities
  • Access to resources/availability of services = Assurance of supply
  • Supply chain security (handling and interim “storage” in secure, access-controlled terminals)
  • Equalizing factors (e.g. spread of risk, or contingency for seasonal imbalances and capacity bottlenecks)
  • Utilization of legal advantages. Best-known fact is that vehicles that are transported by rail services are entitled to a higher total gross weight (44 vs 40 tons), which allows for shipment weights of up to 29 tons. Another advantage can be the fact, that these transports are not restricted by German Sunday and summer driving bans.

Nunner currently uses intermodal logistic solutions in the following geographic areas:

Russia and CIS/ Baltic ports:

  • By Rail: Rail transport in Russia is a very common mode of transport. It is complicated by the fact that Russian railway has a different tack gauge than the rest of Europe. That means that intermodal transport units have to be trans-shipped and goods re-loaded at the border between Poland and Belarus. Nunners’ partner in Malaszwice organizes, supervises and controls this activity.
  • By Shortsea: Nunner is a major player in the container traffic via shortsea from Western Europe to the Baltic ports. Nunner offers lines to ALL St Petersburg ports and customs terminals, and to the ports in the three Baltic States and to the Finnish ports of Helsinki, Kotka and Hamina. From there we onforward to the final destination using green borders.

Nunner organizes transports by rail, short-sea and barge service (depending on season along river Volga) on  a daily basis to regions as far as Siberia. To facilitate intermodal transports and customs activities we operate own branches in Moscow and at the main multimodal “gateways”.

UK/Ireland: Unaccompanied traffic to and from all UK ports (London Thames port area, Ipswich/Felixstowe/Tilbury, Immingham/Hull, Newcastle/Middlesbrough, Grangemouth/Scotland). Ro-Ro-services to Ireland through Dublin (ex Liverpool/Holyhead), through Larne/Belfast, and through Rosslaere (ex Pembroke/Fishguard). Container services to and from Ireland with 45” pallet wide containers from the UK (Dublin) and Continental Europe (Rotterdam, Zeebrugge, Cherbourg, Radicatel) to all major container ports in Ireland (Dublin, Waterford, Cork).

Spain/Portugal: For traffic between Spain and Germany/Benelux area we mainly use two rail lines: Via Zaragoza to Madrid and to Barcelona area. This latter service used to terminate on the French side of the border (Perpignan/Le Boulou), but is since 2013 accessible all the way to Barcelona. Another often used rail service is the line connecting the port of Bilbao with Madrid. Since 2012 there is an increasing frequency of short-sea departures from the ports of Rotterdam and Antwerpen to Spain and Portugal, that we use on a daily basis. Due to import/export imbalances in Iberia this offers good opportunities for the transport with 40’ sea containers, because of the need for deep-sea shipping companies to “reposition” containers, Nunner often offers and exploits these opportunities for the benefits of our customers. For traffic between Spain and Italy we use daily departures between Barcelona and Milan area, often with maximum utilization of 29 tons.

Italy: Due to restrictions in terms of high road tolls, night and weekend driving bans, the rail connections between Italy and Germany/Benelux area are the most widely used.

Greece: Nunner uses different short-sea ferry services to and from Greece, mostly from Ancona, Venice and Bari to Patras. For urgent transit we also use the express services from Brindisi to Patras. With Greece it is necessary though to monitor closely the situation in land. Strikes and other delays in port might make it necessary to switch flexibly between different operators, routes and transport modes. Nunner has the knowledge and expertise to ensure a reliable uninterrupted service for all our clients on these routes.

Turkey: The growing economy in Turkey has created options for intermodal transportations that were not attractive a couple of years ago. Apart from classical road transport via Bulgaria, we currently use both short sea-transport (via Italy) and rail transport from Benelux via Austria, Hungary and Romania directly to Istanbul. Especially this rail line has become very attractive now, due to increased reliability and a shorter transit time, combined with daily departures from Genk in Belgium.

Scandinavia: Short sea transports to the various ports in Norway (Oslo), Sweden (Helsingborg, Gothenburg, Kalmar and Stockholm) and Finland (see Baltic ports) are amongst the best-established and accessible short sea connections in Europe and are utilized by Nunner on a daily basis. Following the opening of the Oresund-Bridge between Denmark and Sweden, rail services to Sweden are increasingly available. Nunner uses connections from Antwerpen via Kopenhagen/Malmoe to Helsingborg, Goeteborg, Katrineholm and Nassjo.

Poland: The port of Gdinya offers daily short sea connections to the Baltics, Russia, Scandinavia and via Belgium/Netherlands to Spain/Portugal and UK/Ireland. Poland is connected to the rest of Europe through a very dense net of railway connections now. By the end of 2012, 13 combined terminals where operative in Poland, mainly on two major lines; the east-west line from Germany through Warszaw toward Belarus and the South-western line terminating in Krakow area. Most of these modes and lines are used by Nunner on a regular basis.

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