A first-ever freight train filled with Dutch-made Machinery, Mineral fuels, Pharmaceuticals, Optical, technical, medical apparatus and Organic chemicals set to depart in March 2018, for China’s heralded “New Silk Road,”. In 18 days, it is expected to arrive at the city of Yiwu in eastern China! Read more >
Amsterdam, November 29th, NUNNER Logistics plans to send the first ever freight train from Amsterdam to China beginning of March 2018, just after Chinese New Year from the TMA terminal in Amsterdam to the city of Yiwu. Read more >
Interview in Österreichische Verkehrszeitung (Austrian transport magazine) with Nunner Logistics CEO Erwin Cootjans. Click here to read the full article.
Aggressive global competition has created a highly demanding customer and need for smooth supply chan. To serve its needs for low cost, sound quality, agility and easy availability, organisations are looking beyond their own boundaries to the management of their supply chains and minimize supply chain risk factors. In this they have been inspired by different supply chain practices available around the world. But knowing most of supply chain risk is still a hope and not a reality for many companies. Read more >
Often mistaken and inter-changed with the Code of Conduct , the two are in fact 2 separate entities that form the foundation of how a company conducts itself and its business with all those it interacts with.
Let me start by defining the difference between the Code of Ethics and the Code of onduct.Broadly speaking, A Code of Ethics (can also be a Value Statement) is a guidance or mission statement of the principles of behaviour to be expected which directly affect the decision making process and the Code of Conduct or a Code of Practice as it can also be known as, details this, and is essentially a document that lays out the expectations in the behaviour expected of both the Employer and Employees. Read more >