We are waiting for you on the transport logistic exhibitions in Munich!

Munchen, 2023 May 9th – 11th, We are waiting for you on the transport logistyka wystawy in Munich! A warm welcome already on the entrance of the Messe Muenchen, Alois arrived on our booth and the staff of Logistyka NUNNER as well as of the other BAERBERGH ADVENTURE CAPITAL companies (3CS Customer Centralized Customs ServicesCAROZ, Wieża kontrolna EyeOnJasny PrzylądekCOMTRiX Logistiksoftware GmbH) are getting ready for heading to Munich. Apart from presenting a lot of valuable impressions we also organize some presentations on how planning and forecasting helps you to optimize your total value stream and of course the already famous Gin Tonic & Saclé networking events on Wednesday and Thursday !
Do you not have your ticket yet ?? Apply here and be our guest! : https://lnkd.in/eGhn9qi8

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