Nunner strengthens and expands its service to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and strengthens its infrastructure in the region

Dubai, Jan 31st – Feb 3rd. It was great to further promote and develop BAERBERGH CAPITAL DA AVENTURA‘s activities in Dubai and Saudi Arabia with our local representative Dr. Muddassir Ahmed last week. With the positive economic and social developments in the Emirates and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as a propeller, interest in the data science and AI know-how of our companies Cabo Brilhante e EyeOn is increasing rapidly. In addition, over the past 2 years, the flows of goods that another BAERBERGH CAPITAL DA AVENTURA company Nunner Logística carries to the Middle East have grown enormously. Considering the modernisation in KSA and the major construction and industrial projects on the horizon, we will further strengthen our international and local infrastructure in Saudi. In this context, Dr. Muddassir and I have had many interesting conversations in recent days, including with Moataz M. e Juan S. Garza who have a lot of know how about KSA and a great network. And especially the meeting with Firas M. Yahia from Riyadh contributed a lot to determine our next steps.

Last but not least it was very nice to meet my kind business friend and partner Artur Ballardt from RTSB GmbH- Rail Transportation Service Broker who invited me for a delicious dinner.
I am always impressed by all the amazing things Dubai has to offer, though the road traffic intensity is getting huge nowadays.

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