One belt. One road...

Conectando a China ao mundo

O primeiro trem de carga cheio de maquinaria holandesa, combustíveis minerais, farmacêuticos, ópticos, técnicos, aparelhos médicos e químicos orgânicos que partirá em março de 2018, para a anunciada "Nova Rota da Seda", na China. Em 18 dias, espera-se que chegue à cidade de Yiwu, no leste da China! Leia mais >

Notícias flashes

Securing our human resources for the future

Brainport Eindhoven, 2024 November 3rd, This Saturday, NUNNER Logistics had the pleasure of joining Summa Transport & Logistics’ Open Day, giving young talents an up-close look at the exciting world of transport and logistics.

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Dutch Cycling Championship

Arnhem, 2024 June 23rd, it was a pleasure to be present at the Dutch Cycling Championship as a guest of VolkerWessels. The ladies VolkerWessels Cycling Team, of which Nunner Logistics is a co-sponsor (hashtag#Pushingdreams), started at the market square of Arnhem and continued the course to the Posbank where a number of laps were ridden and then a number of laps in Arnhem.

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#BREEAM outstanding in the superlative (Pigeons included)

Helmond, 2024 June 21st, Around our BREEAM-NL Outstanding certified Nunner Logistics’ head quarters, numerous facilities have been installed to stimulate biodiversity. Insect boxes, plants, trees etc to accommodate as many as possible insects, birds and other animals a nice habitat are abundantly present.

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The Nunner Logistics Sales Challenge in Helmond

AND WE HAVE TWO WINNERS! Helmond, 2024 May 23rd,  Day TWO of The Nunner Logistics Sales Challenge in Helmond. The final day of our Fontys Hogeschool Sales Challenge at Nunner Logistics international headquarters was a remarkable success. We are excited to announce that we have two winners, who are featured in the accompanying photo, and who were awarded with a guaranteed internship at NUNNER, marking a promising start to their (sales) careers.

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