Excursie pe Valea Kłodzko cu angajații polonezi

Zloty Stok (PL), 20220 December 10-11, Logistică NUNNER grew rapidly in the last years, also in Poland. Many new skilled people came in on our locations spread over the country. Time to learn to know each other! With employees from all Polish locations we gathered for a trip to the beautiful surroundings of the Kłodzko Valley. Before we had our Grill & Integration party, we had a unique opportunity to visit the Gold Mine in the charming town of “Złoty Stok” (close to the hometown of our MD, Sławomir Kubas). A mine where the first excavations took place 2000 years ago and from which dozens of tons of gold have been extracted.

It have been two days with a lot of fun and good talks. We are ready for 2023!

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